President - Jill Hunter
Vice President - Christina Hayes
Secretary - Shelley Gardner
Treasurer - Becky Alexander
Anthony Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 354
Anthony, KS 67003
Beth Farmer
Office: 620-842-5456
Cell Phone: 785-383-6081
Anthony Theatre
PO Box 23
Anthony, KS 67003
Barbara Wright
Visit Ark City
106 S. Summit
Arkansas City, KS 67005
Jill Hunter
Caldwell Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 42
Caldwelll, KS 67022
Karen Sturm
Caldwell Historical Society
412 N Webb
Caldwell, KS 67022
Karen Sturm
Carriage Factory Art Gallery
128 E. 6th St.
Newton, KS 67114
Mary Lee-McDonald
Office: 316-284-2749
Cell Phone: 316-641-3142
Chase County Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 362
Cottonwood Falls, KS 66845
Toni Schneider
City of Derby
611 Mulberry Rd., Ste 300
Derby, KS 67037
Jenay Wallace
City of Great Bend CVB
1209 Williams
Great Bend, KS 67530
Christina Hayes
City of Greensburg Tourism
315 S Sycamore
Greensburg, KS 67054
Heather Coyne
Coutts Museum of Art
PO Box 1
El Dorado, KS 67042
Tim Howard
Office: 316-321-1212
Cell Phone: 316-303-4166
Cowley First - Cowley County
311 E 9th
Winfield, KS 67156
Jessica Falk
Cowley County Historical Society Museum
1011 Mansfield St.
Windfield, KS 67156
Deer Grove RV Park
2873 SE US Hwy 54
El Dorado, KS 67042
Natalie Donges
Experience El Dorado
220 E 1st Ave.
El Dorado, KS 67042
Javan Gonzalez
Geneseo City Museum
907 Silver Ave
Geneseo, KS 67444
Jim Gray
Go Augusta
618 State St.
Augusta, KS 67010
Jayme Chapin
Office: 316-775-4585
Cell Phone: 316-734-6737
Grand Central Hotel and Grill
215 Broadway
Cottonwood Falls, KS 66845
Suzan Barnes
Harper County Preservation and Tourism Alliance
PO Box 474
Harper, KS 67058
Hesston Chamber & Visitors Bureau
PO Box 669
Hesston, KS 67062
Kim Wallace
Visit Hutch
117 Walnut
Hutchinson KS 67502
LeAnn Cox
213 S. Main St., PO Box 44
Lucas, KS 67648
Brad Penka
Kechi Chamber of Commerce
220 W Kechi Rd
Kechi, KS 67067
Larned Tourism Committee
1223 Park
Larned, KS 67550
Vicki Gillett
Lindsborg CVB
104 E. Lincoln St.
Lindsborg, KS 67456
Holly Lofton
Marquette Historical Society
121 N. Lincoln
Marquette, KS 67464
Darell Naegele or Fred Peterson
PO Box 385
McPherson CVB
1111 E. Kansas Avenue
McPherson, KS 67460
Medicine Lodge Peace Treaty Assoc.
PO Box 194
Medicine Lodge, KS 67104
Ashley Maloney, Elisa Stone, Debra Kolb
Mulvane Chamber of Commerce
104 Prather
Mulvane, KS 67110
Amanda Ford
Newton CVB
201 E Sixth Street
Newton, KS 67114
Pratt Area Chamber and CVB
211 S Main
Pratt, KS 67124
Ashley Smith
Pumpkin Pants Ranch
27799 115th Road
Arkansas City, Kansa 67005
Shelley Gardner
Rice County Historical Society
105 West Lyons
Lyons, KS 67554
Charlene Akers
101 W Commercial, PO Box 171
Lyons, KS 67554
Stacy Clark
Salter House Museum, Inc.
PO Box 203
Argonia, KS 67004
Carol Pearce
Sumner County Economic Development
PO Box 279
Wellington, KS 67152
Stacy Davis
Sunflower RC&D Area, Inc.
PO Box 474
Harper, KS 67058
Visit Wichita
515 S. Main Street, Suite 115
Wichita, KS 67202
Brandy Evans
Warkentin House Association
211 E 1st St.
Newton, KS 67114
Wellington Area COC/CVB
PO Box 686, 208 N Washington
Wellington, KS 67152
Valerie Earl
Wichita Time/Travel Kansas
PO Box 48193
Wichita, KS 67201
Cynthia Mines
Winfield Convention and Tourism
PO Box 640
Winfield, KS 67156
Sarah Werner