Individuals and Friends of SCKTR
Museums & Attractions
(based on visitors per year)
Less than 5,000 $ 30.00
5,001 – 20,000 $75.00
20,001 and up $100.00
Festivals & Events
(i.e. State Fair, Walnut Valley Festival, etc)
(based on seating capacity)
Less than 50 $ 50.00
51 – 100 $75.00
101 and up $100.00
Chambers of Commerce, Cities, Convention &
Visitors Bureaus, Economic Development, etc.
(based on population represented)
Less than 2,500 $60.00
2,501 – 7,500 $120.00
7,501 – 12,500 $180.00
12,501 – 20,000 $240.00
20,001 and up $350.00
Hotels, Motels, B&B’s and Campgrounds
(based on units)
Less than 50 $50.00
51 – 100 $100.00
101 and up $125.00
News Media
(Radio, TV, Newspapers, Website Providers)
*Membership fees are annual